



2012.08.26. 17:10 Hanna's Style

Hanna's Hair (Season 1)

How is your weekend?

Mine is extraboring and it is raining, so i'm here. I wanna show you Hanna's hair from season 1. 
First the picture, and then i'll tell you how you can make similar hair.


Her hair is always wavy. Bigger or smaller waves. If you want not so curly hair, you should use big  rollers/curlers.

1. Wash your hair
2. Put some fixing foam to your hair
3. Put the rollers (Maybe the biggest)
3. Wait for the drying
4. Take them off
5. Put hairspray on it

But you can make braids, 2 big with wet hair.

If you want hair like the left side down, you should use smaller rollers, and if it's dry, you should comb it.

At events, parties, etc. Hanna always pins up her hair. So get some hairgrip and pin it up. But leave some hair on both side and make curly with a curling iron.

Let's talk about the first small picture on the left side. Hanna's hair is wavy there too, so use the big rollers, and after that braid your hair. If you can't do it, ask some help, or call a hairdresser ;)

I want to tell you, I'm not a hairdresser, so sorry if something doesn't work, but i have a lot of hair rollers, so i've tried almost everything. I hope i helped you. Have a nice day.
I'll come tomorrow.


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