"Kalocsai, kalocsai szőlőnek aljába
rászállott a, rászállott a gerlice madárka
mindig azt fülyöli, mindig azt dalolja
kalocsai nagylányoknak a járásba nincs párja."
Hey darlings!
Today, after the hungarian folksong, I show you my new collection. Both earrings have the same flower sample. It's a traditional hungarian sample, called "Kalocsai" which came from an area in Hungary. Now it's so popular, maybe you saw these flowers on american stars' clothes, too. In my country, we can find them every shop. They're made from shells, metal and i've found embroidered pairs. Prices depend on these things.
Simple ones are about 690 Ft, but embroidered ones are more expensive, about 1.990 Ft.
Let's see what I have.
P.S. Foreigners, read the lyrics of the song loud :) It'll sounds funny, if you don't speak hungarian.