



2012.08.25. 21:28 Hanna's Style

Weekend of Quotes

Hey Dear Visitors!

I haven't mentioned yet, but i found out the timetable of the page.

Monday - Shoes
Tuesday - Sports, Diets
Wednesday - Relax/Break (sometimes hair and make-up)
Thursday - Accesories
Friday - Dresses
Saturday - Quotes
Sunday - Make the design, etc. so Free day




Have a nice weekend, and enjoy the parties! See you on Monday!


Szólj hozzá!

2012.08.25. 20:21 Hanna's Style



Szólj hozzá!

2012.08.25. 20:18 Hanna's Style

The first dress

I promised so i'm back. And now let's see Hanna's wardrobe.

She wears

  • Girlish clothes
  • Colorful shirts, trousers, skirts
  • Short skirts
  • Shirts with flounce

I don't upload photoes about Hanna, because i don't have the same clothes, i just want to follow the style, but sometimes i'll show you some pictures to compare my pictures to hers.


Top: Chinese shops 1190-1990 Ft
Skirt: Invázió (Sopron) 1990 Ft
Belt: it was my Mom's belt, but you can find similar every boutiques.

By the way, you can wear the skirts like the big photo until your knees, or like on the small photo on the right corner. I think Hanna will like the last.

Now lace is modish so you should buy some things. I'll show you a page where you can buy some of them or other dresses which fit to Hanna's wardrobe.

(Sorry for the qualitie of the pictures but i don't have camera yet, and i have to make them with phone.)


Szólj hozzá!

2012.08.25. 20:02 Hanna's Style

Here again...

And i'm here again to show you necklaces and bracelets. I'd like to tell you, Vintage is modish these days, so you can find a lot of jewellery on the shelves of boutiques and there are handmade goods on internet too.

Basics with neklaces:

  • Long
  • Big
  • With pearls, silver (Formal events)

Basics with bracelets:

  • Big
  • More than one
  • Gold or Colorful
  • Silver, Pearl ( Formal events)

And now the photoes

1. picture   Eiffel Tower Necklace - *GyurMánia 2500 Ft, Violin key Neklace - (it was a present, i don't know the price,  Pearls (Handmade)                                                                 
2. picture     Necklace with cubes (i got it) -  Bijou Brigitte
3. picture     Brass Bracelet -  Avon 2990 Ft, Pearl Bracelet -  Retro 1490 Ft


Now i would like to suggest you a Hungarian page from Facebook.


255461_397410653646143_433960363_n (1).jpg

They have beautiful pieces and not so expensive, so be brave, and visit them!

Szólj hozzá!

2012.08.25. 19:45 Hanna's Style

The basics

Hello Visitors!

Today i want to talk about Hanna's accesories, jewelleries. She wears girlish clothes, soo...

You should wear:

  • Big
  • Colorful
  • Conspicuous
  • Look like expensive jewellery

And now the pictures...

gyűrű2.jpg gyűrű1.jpg fülik.jpg







1. picture    Eiffel tower Ring - C&A 1490 Ft

2. picture    Pearl Ring - Cosmopolitan Magazin (C&A 1490 Ft)

3. picture    Feather Earring - Renato Bizsu 690 Ft/ db, Owl Earring - C&A 1490 Ft,  Big Blue - Avon 2990 Ft, Others -  Rossmann 1990 Ft    
Tomorrow i'll come and show some dresses. And today i'll bring necklaces.


Szólj hozzá!

2012.08.25. 16:40 Hanna's Style

Welcome to my new Blog!

Heey. I'm glad you're here.

It's my first post, so i'd like to tell you, what is the subject of my site.
Hanna is one of my favourite character from Pretty Little Liars and i love her style, so i try to dress like her.
And i want to help to similar girls how they can dress like Hanna.
But it's a little expensive, if you buy the SAME dresses, so i collected some cheaper clothes. By the way in Hungary i can't find the same clothes.... :(

And i don't want to write only about dresses, but accesories, a quotes day, healthy diets, sport, etc.

I hope you'll like it!

Thanks for the visiting!



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