I promised so i'm back. And now let's see Hanna's wardrobe.
She wears
- Girlish clothes
- Colorful shirts, trousers, skirts
- Short skirts
- Shirts with flounce
I don't upload photoes about Hanna, because i don't have the same clothes, i just want to follow the style, but sometimes i'll show you some pictures to compare my pictures to hers.

Top: Chinese shops 1190-1990 Ft
Skirt: Invázió (Sopron) 1990 Ft
Belt: it was my Mom's belt, but you can find similar every boutiques.
By the way, you can wear the skirts like the big photo until your knees, or like on the small photo on the right corner. I think Hanna will like the last.
Now lace is modish so you should buy some things. I'll show you a page where you can buy some of them or other dresses which fit to Hanna's wardrobe.
(Sorry for the qualitie of the pictures but i don't have camera yet, and i have to make them with phone.)