



2012.09.08. 13:42 Hanna's Style

Dress for a warm autumn

Today i've brougt a dress, which is my friend's. And i'm showing it now, because today is a warm day, and i heard that this week there'll be 30 °C. At least in Hungary, but maybe other places too.


This is a single piece, so don't look for the same dress in boutiques. If you have a relatives, who is a sewer, you can ask her to make you a similar dress. :)

Tomorrow is Quotes Sunday. Have a nice weekend.


Szólj hozzá!

2012.09.08. 13:23 Hanna's Style


Hello. I'm a few days late again, but i don't write anything else, soo let's see the photo of today.


Big, colorful, shiny things..

I can't tell prices and boutiques, but you can find similar things in Claire's or Bijou Brigitte..


Szólj hozzá!

2012.09.05. 13:19 Hanna's Style

Some training

Today, Wednesday i realized, i have nothing for Tuesday so i'm in trouble what shoul i post to you, guy, followers. But my idea is i'll show you videos about training because last week i wrote about diets.

So let's see.

I suggest you a website. It's the site of Cosmopolitan, actually Hungarian but there are videos, so Watch them.

I promise next post i'll bring photos, but i haven't scanned yet what i want. Maybe tomowwor, when i arrived home.

And another video from YouTube:

Have a nice day, see you soon.


Szólj hozzá!

2012.09.05. 12:56 Hanna's Style


Hey guys, girls. Sorry for the timing but i can't come earlier, because i'm in a student's hostel, and i hadn't got internet connection. But now i post 2 thing.

First, the post of Monday, sandals.


I have bought this 2 years ago in Deichmann, so you can maybe find it there, but i'm not sure. The price was 4990 Ft in Hungary, if i remeber well.

Wait a little, and i'll be back soon with Tuesday post.


Szólj hozzá!

2012.09.01. 19:40 Hanna's Style

Saturday of Quotes

Hey guy, sorry for i'm late, but i couldn't come earlier. Now i've brought two quotes.



Today i won't write nothing else, i'll come on monday, be good and have a nice weekend.


Szólj hozzá!

2012.08.31. 12:36 Hanna's Style

The second.

Hello, i'm here and i've brought a picture of my clothes, like a promised yesterday.

You can wear this on cooler days in autumn.


Let's see the prices and the locations.

Trousers - H&M 5990 Ft
Shirt - H&M 3990 Ft

I think they're okay of Hanna's Style because nowdays i often see Hanna with colored trousers in the Tv show. I hope you like it. Tomorrow is Quotes Saturday. Be good.


Szólj hozzá!

2012.08.30. 16:31 Hanna's Style

Accesories at late afternoon

Hey Guys!

Sorry if i'm late, but i'll be a student of a university from next week, so maybe i'll be late some days like now. By the way i will try to come and post.

Today I wanted to upload only one photo, but you deserv two. :) So let's see.


1. picture

Eiffel-tower ring - GyurMánia 1500 Ft
Rose Ring - Asia Centrum 490 Ft
Bracelets - Renato Bijou 40 Ft/db

2. picture

Lace with Owl - Rossmann 1990 Ft
Long Pearl Lace - Renato Bijou 1490 Ft
Necklace with little balls - Asia Centrum 1550 Ft

Tomorrow i'm going to bring clothes set. I hope you can't wait for it.
Be good, and invite your friends!


Szólj hozzá!

2012.08.28. 11:46 Hanna's Style

Good appetite!

Welcome again, thanks for coming.

Today i write some recipes. The motive is Hanna, because she's beautiful and looks great. But if you know PLL, you know hanna was 'Hefty Hanna' and lost her weight. So i've started a 90 days diet. I can eat everything but Fruits, Meats, Vegetables and Pastas have a day.

But before i start to write that easy recipes, i wanted to tell you, i made a mistake yesterday. I started to watch PLL Season 1, and concentrate to Hanna and i saw, she has high-heeled shoes like i showed my post. :)
Now let's see my foods.


Meat with garlic and yoghurt


2 dl YoghurtDSC04881.JPG
2 pieces meat

The Making:

Put salt and pepper to the meats. Mix garlic, sage and yoghurt, and marinade the meat in it for an hour. After that put the whole mix to an oven pan, Sprinkle it with Oil and wait. If it's  ready put some cheese to the top of it.


Colorful potato salad


50 dkg potatoDSC04885.JPG
4 pieces cucumber
1 (purple) onion
Some Parsley

The Making:

Boil the potatoes in salted water. Cut the cucumber, onion and parsley to small pieces. If the potatos ready cut them too. Mix mustard, vinegar and oil and sprinkle the vegetables with it.


Salad with pasta


50 dkg PastaDSC04887.JPG
Purple Onion

The Making:

Boil the pasta in salted water. Cut the vegetables to small pieces, mix them with the pasta. Flavour with salt, pepper, garlic, chives and Sprinkle them with Oil.


Eat only fruits all day.

Good appetite! Tomorrow i won't be here.


P.s. A tried to make these dishes, it's easy to make them, and the photoes is mine.

Szólj hozzá!

2012.08.27. 14:14 Hanna's Style


Good Morning Dears, I hope you're fine.

Today i show you shoes, but not so similar to Hanna's. By the way it fits to the girlish style.


Important thing:

Hanna usually wear fulltreaded sandals, maybe i see her wit boots, but i'm not sure. Btw, high-heeled shoes is very good to this style.

This black one is from a small shop from a small town so i don't write the name of it.

Price: 8990 Ft

Next time i'll bring a fulltreaded sandal :)

Have a nice day


Szólj hozzá!

2012.08.26. 17:10 Hanna's Style

Hanna's Hair (Season 1)

How is your weekend?

Mine is extraboring and it is raining, so i'm here. I wanna show you Hanna's hair from season 1. 
First the picture, and then i'll tell you how you can make similar hair.


Her hair is always wavy. Bigger or smaller waves. If you want not so curly hair, you should use big  rollers/curlers.

1. Wash your hair
2. Put some fixing foam to your hair
3. Put the rollers (Maybe the biggest)
3. Wait for the drying
4. Take them off
5. Put hairspray on it

But you can make braids, 2 big with wet hair.

If you want hair like the left side down, you should use smaller rollers, and if it's dry, you should comb it.

At events, parties, etc. Hanna always pins up her hair. So get some hairgrip and pin it up. But leave some hair on both side and make curly with a curling iron.

Let's talk about the first small picture on the left side. Hanna's hair is wavy there too, so use the big rollers, and after that braid your hair. If you can't do it, ask some help, or call a hairdresser ;)

I want to tell you, I'm not a hairdresser, so sorry if something doesn't work, but i have a lot of hair rollers, so i've tried almost everything. I hope i helped you. Have a nice day.
I'll come tomorrow.


Szólj hozzá!

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